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Tuesday, February 17, 2009

XSite Pro Web Design Software Review

X site pro is the name of the easiest to use website building software package currently on the market. It is leaving Front Page and Dreamweaver in the dust, and the enthusiasm of users knows no bounds. Since the company releasing this product offers a quite lucrative affiliate program, there are a plethora of takers who are actively marketing the software. The number of such marketers is growing on a daily basis, and it appears that at least some of them seem to have read the same obscure manual of online marketing tips.

It is these X site pro marketers that appear a bit overenthusiastic when they seek to reel in potential customers with ads claiming that they will reveal if the software is a scam. Once the curious web surfer clicks on the link, they are sent to an affiliate page that offers not only a glowing review of the software package, but also all the reasons why the software could not possibly be a scam, and then of course a number of testimonials.

Sure, naming a well known product and the word "scam" in the same headline is a marketing tip propagated in some manuals, but for the discerning consumer this is not a good marketing technique. It is too obvious and the odds are good that those in the market to buy will opt for a different affiliate.

On the other hand, overenthusiastic X site pro marketers should be excused - at least a bit. They let their keenness get the better of them and in so doing have fallen for an odd marketing gimmick when it is apparent that the software sells itself quite nicely without such rhetoric.

With the addition of an XSP cheat sheet as a very a nice freebie, purchasing your copy of XsitePro through the Cheat Sheet site, will give you a big leg up in using the software. The Xsp cheat sheet contains a wealth of insider information and short cuts to help make this website builder even more user-friendly, if that's possible!

As enthusiastic affiliates continue to make their mark on the online software marketplace, those in search of the premier site building software solution are going to keep running into their sites. If they are offering you a real bonus - go with it! You will be paying no more for the software, and its great to get something for nothing (especially the XSitePro Cheat Sheet!)

Download XSitePro 2

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