Make Money Online

RAP Bank

Monday, October 06, 2008

999 business ideas: 770-779

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770. Compile a guide to educational and leisure holiday courses. Have this published in book form and sell by mail order and through bookshops. This has the potential for a successful annual publication. 


771. Start a mail order firm which sells live insects, insectaria and other products related to keeping and breeding insects. Advice might also be given on what insects to keep. Your service might be called 'Select an Insect'. Also publish a newsletter with a title like 'Insect Keeper'. 


772. Design and produce a stock market investors log book. The purpose of this log book is to record and chart: the prices of individual shares, purchases, sales, dealing costs, profits and losses. Sell by mail order and direct mail to investors.


773. Produce a series of audio cassettes which contain quotes from the bible. The quotes on each cassette might be selected according to a theme. For example: How to meet bereavement and sorrow, how to meet the challenges of everyday life, and how to live in harmony with others. 


774. Design and produce animation kits for amateur film makers, each kit consists of numerous paper characters with moveable joints and a selection of background scenery. An amateur film maker can use a kit to make hobby and animation films. A kit might have, for example, a Wild West theme.

775. Pay a taxidermist to prepare, stuff and mount fish. Produce a mail order catalogue about your mounted fish. Advertise in angling publications. Also sell through gift shops and fishing tackle shops.


776. Start a mail order business which sells a wide range of dog products, for example: kennels, muzzles, shampoos, collars, ornaments, etc, all with a canine theme. 


777. Develop your dog grooming skills to a professional standard and open your own dog grooming parlour.


778. Use leather to make your own brand of top quality dog collars and leads. 


779. Become a pets portrait photographer. You have to prove to potential customers that your portraits are far superior to any amateur photographs. This can be done by displaying your work on a stall in a public place and selling your service to people who take an interest in your work. 

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