Make Money Online

RAP Bank

Saturday, October 04, 2008

999 business ideas: 850-859

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850. Bring out a correspondence course about how to write screenplays for feature films. There is obviously a lot of skill involved in writing a screenplay and there are numerous people who would be willing to pay to learn.


851. Publish poetry in a way similar to music sheets. On a printed folded sheet feature a main poem and maybe 3 or 4 support poems. Get these 'poem sheets' stocked at bookshops and newsagents. The price might be the same as a daily newspaper. Also organise a chart of top selling poem sheets.


852. Use classified ads to sell a selection of English language newspapers from around the world. Buyers will include those who are curious about what overseas English language newspapers are like.


853. Start a service which writes persuasive monologues for individuals. For example, a C.V. designer helps a person get an interview, your service provides monologues for people to use at interviews. Or help people to get a date or to propose marriage.


854. Begin a gift service which provides a nostalgic selection of magazines from the month of a person's birth. Advertise your service in the columns or classified ads which feature other gift ideas. 


855. Set up a mail order business which sells casting equipment, supplies and books. Potential customers include a wide range of craft workers and hobbyists. Begin by learning everything you can about small scale casting then track down trade suppliers of products related to casting.


856. Devise and invent puzzles and word games. Sell these through specialist magazines and newspapers and to book publishers.


857. Start a business which brings out a library of children's stories on audio cassettes. Have these stocked at toyshops and bookshops or start a monthly club.


858. Compile and publish a bulletin which informs subscribers of photography competitions they are eligible to enter in this country and around the world. Advertise in photograph magazines.


859. Set up a mail order business which is devoted to selling products designed to increase a persons attractiveness to the opposite sex. Products might include books, cassettes, courses, systems and aids. Produce some of the products yourself. 

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