We learned that Network marketing can get a huge boost in traffic by (among other things) paying for traffic to be sent to your business site. That's the Pay Per Click (PPC) option.It means biding for the highest spot in the engine positions.You can do this yourself, however you could pay to do this.
This is an area, although fraught with a few pitfalls, may pay off for you and your business if you take the time to do some solid research first. The other thing you will want to consider is not just doing PPC, but combining it with Search Engine Optimization. This gives you two methods to capture more market share.Combined, they're more powerful as a team than they are alone.
PPC actually has a fairly long history. It was the IN thing at the end of the 90's - the famous dot com boom. But, since it was so new and no one really knew what to do with it, it fell by the wayside, a victim of click fraud. Advertisers just went some place else and did their thing in safety.Is Pay Per Click click fraud still around? Most definitely, and that is due to the way it works. However, having said that, the industry is diligently working on ways to solve it. Look for even better things in the future with PPC.
There are hundreds of engines you could use to go the PPC route. Here are five PPC search engines you can buy traffic from.
One: MSN AdCentre - new player on the block, still has some glitches to work out as it's frustrating
Two: 7Search - smaller engine, good quality traffic good interface.
Three: Search 123 - One of the first search engines. Cost effective, good support. Fund with $50, they will give you $20.
Four. Search Feed - Good return on investment, reasonable search volume. Geographical targeting available with 11 countries
Five: ABCSearch - Solid targeting, decent traffic sources, good service. Will match your initial deposit up to $100
You should also consider Yahoo Search Marketing that offers PPC advertising in the Yahoo network and Yahoo Search Engines. They even offer a $25 Free Coupon for you to start your campaigns Free of charge. Check out if the coupon is still available at www.BOBmarketing.com or Yahoo Search Marketing Credit
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