Make Money Online

RAP Bank

Sunday, October 05, 2008

999 Biz Opp Ideas: 990-999

The 'click here' that will CHANGE YOUR LIFE.....

990. Be a home visiting wig salesperson. By visiting the homes of potential buyers you provide a private and confidential service which is free of embarrassment. Buy a selection from wig manufacturers at trade prices. Advertise your service in newspapers and magazines.


991. Write and publish a monthly newsletter which helps those who want to give up smoking. The ability to give up smoking depends what's happening in a persons mind. A good newsletter could make the difference between success and failure.


992. Begin a confidential newsletter about how to get the best things from life. The best things in this case include: money, expensive property, respect an quality cars. Your newsletter should suggest some of the legal short cuts which can be taken.


993. At a crafts fair or antiques market have a stall which sells products related to Shakespeare. These might include: prints, books, audio cassettes, videos and posters.


994. In a city where there are many theatres, open a small shop which is devoted to selling things related to Shakespeare.


995. Publish a newsletter for expectant mothers. Provide subscribers with information and reassurance. Send each subscriber an issue which ties in with the stage of her pregnancy.


996. Use a computer or word processor to provide a letter and manuscript typing service. Customers would be students, academics, small business people and tradesmen.


997. Arrange for ink drawings to be made of historical characters from all parts of the nation. There might be hundreds of drawings. Have these printed and framed and sell by mail order. The idea is that wherever a person is, they can buy a framed drawing of someone famous from their own area.


998. Start a life history photography service. Produce an album of photographs which is a photographic history of a client's life. For example take photographs of a client's hospital of birth, former schools, places of work, place of marriage, houses they once lived in, etc. 


999. Take an attractive photograph of a large office block, make enlarged framed copies and sell these to people who work there. This would make a good sideline business if you work in an office block and you meet many other office workers in the course of the day.


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