Make Money Online

RAP Bank

Sunday, October 05, 2008

999 business ideas: 880-889

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880. During the Christmas season, form a group of carol singers. Hire this group out to parties, restaurants, wine bars, and night-clubs.


881. Bring out folders specially designed to hold sheet music or knitting patterns. Sell these from either, suitable shops or ads in publications read by people who collect sheet music or knitting patterns.


882. Make fashionable patchwork sweaters and have them stocked at shops. Alternatively, sell the sweaters from a stall at a market fair. 


883. Start a school for pop or rock group management. Your students will include those who aspire to become a manager or leader of a pop or rock group. The course might be taught by post or held as a class.


884. Put together a postal service which sells personalised: golf-balls, cricket balls, snooker balls, tennis balls, etc. The exact method of placing names or initials on the balls can be worked out by you. If you can solve this problem, a lucrative market is waiting to be exploited.


885. Set yourself up in business as a music concert promoter. Approach a local pop or rock group and offer to organise a gig for them. If your first gig is successful slowly work your way up in the concert promoting business. 


886. Write and publish a newsletter which is about how to sell simple information by post. In each newsletter suggest new ideas for the kind of information which can be sold. Also review the latest offerings by other information sellers. 


887. Bring out a book or audio cassette which has a title like: 'How to get a World Record'. Include information about how to get a record accepted and give ideas about feats which might be attempted. Sell through bookshops or by post.

888. Design and make doll's clothes for collectors or manufacturers of dolls. Either make the clothes to order or produce a mail order catalogue which gives full detail of your range. 


889. Use cheese-cloth to make your own range of fashion clothes such as blouses, skirts and shirts. 

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