Make Money Online

RAP Bank

Tuesday, October 07, 2008

999 business ideas: 709-719

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710. Start a service which finds companions for those who want to go on cycling or hiking holidays. Advertise in publications for cyclists or hikers.


711. Take suitable sea-shells and sell them as sleep shells. Those who have difficulty in sleeping at night listen to a sleep shell. The soothing sound of the sea will aid sleep.


712. Turn large sea-shells into money boxes. Cut a slot in the shells for inserting coins and add an opening for extracting the money and block it with removable cork. These are sold as ornaments and as money boxes.


713. Create a mail order business which sells matchboxes and labels to collectors. Collectors automatically receive the latest matchboxes each month. Alternatively you might put together a catalogue of old and rare matchboxes. 


714. Organize overseas information about gathering tours for business people. These might be for those who want to look at an overseas market or who sometimes want to visit similar businesses to their own in other countries. For example, consultants in this country can visit their foreign counterparts. 


715. Do your own research to discover ghost stories from your region. Record the best stories on audio tape. Have the cassettes duplicated and labelled and distribute to shops throughout the region covered.


716. Start a business which organises cricket holidays and weekend breaks. During these breaks arrange for guests to receive tuition from a professional cricketer.  


717. Organise bridge holidays and weekend breaks. 


718. Set up a quiz games postal club. Club members compete against each other to win quizzes through the mail. The quizzes could be published in a regular newsletter which would also give the answers to the previous newsletters quiz(zes).


719. Invent and make wooden 2-D and 3-D executive puzzles. For example: 3-D puzzles which have lots of interlocking pieces. Have them stocked at gift shops and stationers. 

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