Make Money Online

RAP Bank

Tuesday, October 07, 2008

999 business ideas: 840-849

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840. Compile and publish a directory of sales messages, phrases and selling points. The format of this directory might be copyright free art clipping books. All businesses are potential buyers. Sell by direct mail.


841. Deal in collectible bookplates. Promote the hobby of collecting bookplates by offering potential collectors a free selection. Thereafter send collectors a regular list of bookplates for sale. Also bring out and sell albums for storing and displaying bookplates. 


842. Devise a programm which is designed to make a person more dynamic. A more dynamic, confident person has a greater chance of achieving success in life. Publish your programme and sell it by direct mail to business opportunity seekers. 


843. Buy a portable children's mini-railway. Children can sit on the carriages and are taken up and down a short track. Hire out your railway for fund raising at fairs and money-making tourist sites. 


844. Rent out large snooker tables and cues in a similar fashion to the way television sets are rented out. Rent them to householders, clubs, businesses, colleges, unions, etc.


845. Start a publishing enterprise which specialises in producing quality hand printed poetry books. Get these stocked at bookshops and sell by post to poetry lovers. 


846. Devise and produce an easy-to-use system for cataloguing coin collections. Sell this through stamp and coin shops, or from ads in alot of collectors magazines. 


847. Be a crossword puzzle designer who specialises in a particular subject, such as football, painting rocks, photography or stamp collecting. Sell football crosswords, for example, to publishers of football magazines and programmes. 


848. Publish a newsletter for those people who want to become children's authors. In each issue include advice and information which will help children's authors to get work accepted for publication.


849. Produce and launch a correspondence course which teaches people how to write fiction for adolescents for profit.

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