Make Money Online

RAP Bank

Wednesday, October 08, 2008

999 new biz ops: 640-649

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641. In districts with numerous offices, factories or shops, organise an after work dating service. Send leaflets about your service and membership application forms to all the work places in a district. 


642. Begin a mail order business which serves those interested in gold prospecting. Sell equipment, supplies and books. Also publish your own guide to digging for gold in: Wales, USA, Australia, Canada and South America.


643. Produce a series of booklets about how to buy and run various types of shops. Each booklet might cover a shop such as a newsagent, greengrocer, village shop, post office, etc. Place classified ads in newspapers and magazines which advertise shops for sale and sell your booklets by mail. Looking for biz ops…..



644. Commission the drawing of political cartoons which have an anti-establishment theme. Have these printed on postcards or posters and sell through shops popular with young adults. 



645. Design and produce craft kits for making ornaments or relief pictures with ball bearings. Get these stocked in shops or advertise in crafts magazines.


646. Be a home-visiting pre-school teacher. Your task is to prepare children for a successful start at school.


647. Buy a candyfloss making machine. Sell your candyfloss from a site where there is a continuous flow of people who are enjoying their leisure.

  Start a second-hand art bookstall and take it to antique markets or fairs. Obtain your stock by placing ads in art or book collectors magazines. State that you wish to buy collections of second-hand art books. 


648. Design a range of blank achievement certificates for use by sports clubs and schools. Have them printed and sell by direct mail.


649. Hand paint nostalgic scenes and old advertisements on mirrors. Sell through gift shops or from a market stall. Biz ops are all over the place……




640. Do bottle art. Paint local scenery and other artistic images on the exterior of tiny bottles. Sell as souvenirs or ornaments. Have you deciced on your biz ops……

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