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Wednesday, October 08, 2008

999 newbie biz ops: 650-659

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650. Produce T-shirts which are printed with the names of local schools. Have them stocked at newsagents or other suitable shops close to each school.

Choose easy biz ops.


651. Design and make soft toys which are suitable for shelf ornaments. For example: Alice in Wonderland characters mounted on stands which have a label giving the name of each character. The high quality of workmanship should allow you to charge prices to give you a good profit.


652. Carve wooden ornaments which look like gargoyles. Attach to one side of the ornament a sticky baked material or magnet. They can then be added to car dashboards or to fridges.


653. Put together a correspondence course about how to become a stock-market chartist. Sell through ads in financial newspapers and magazines.

Biz ops are all over the place.


654. Begin a postal service which produces personalised bookplates. These might be printed with a persons surname, coat of arms, thematic design relating to a hobby or occupation, drawing of a home, or a portrait. Sell to people with large collections of books.


655. Set up a service which organises holiday exchanges between people who live in English speaking countries and those in Japan and Continental Europe.



656. Start an international correspondence club for stamp collectors. The benefits of membership would include being able to swap stamps, magazines, books and information. Match stamp collectors according to their interests and produce a periodic publication for all members. 


657. Make loveable pocket-sized soft toys and hang on a rack for display in shops. Give the toys a catchy name like 'Pocket Pets'. 


658. Design a selection of bookplates. They might have a theme related to, for example: Greek gods, astrology, rural scenery, trains, etc. Have them printed and packaged in cellophane packets. Sell through bookshops and stationers.


659. Bring out a correspondence course or audio cassette course, about how to write good dialogue for fiction. Sell through ads in publications for writers.  Biz ops can be huge.

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