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Friday, October 10, 2008

999 unique biz ops: 560-569

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560. Start a mail order business which sells books about how to win at gambling. The games covered might include: roulette, baccarat, poker and horse-racing. Buy the publications direct from publishers at home and

abroad. Or publish the books yourself.

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561. Produce a series of audio cassettes which give instruction about how to mimic different accents. For example: 'Teach yourself to speak like a Texan'. Other accents might include: Yorkshire, cockney, French, English, Scottish, New York, etc.


562. Have amusing messages printed in speech bubbles on the sides of potted plant holders. For example: 'Hello, my name is...', 'Shake my water, don't stir it', 'I feel like a chat', etc. Have these stocked at outlets which sell garden products. 


563. Put together a kit for growing trees from seeds. In each kit include instructions about how to get the best results. Sell from ads in gardening publications or through suitable shops. 


564. Begin a mail order business which sells hydroponics growers supplies (hydroponics is a method of growing plants without soil). Produce a catalogue and advertise in gardening publications. 


565. Obtain quantities of sand from the beaches of the D-day invasion. Place the sand in tiny bottles and sell world-wide as souvenir sand from the beaches of the 1944 D-day invasion. Add a name label to each bottle to show which beach the sand came from.

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566. Start a business which makes garden hammocks. Devise your own hammock which has at least one superior feature over other hammocks available. Sell through hardware shops and garden centres and by mail order from ads in gardening publications. 



567. Use logs and wood to make small ornamental garden wishing wells. Sell through garden centres and hardware shops.


568. Bring out a selection of hair jewellery. This could be made from real or artificial human hair and is knotted like dreadlocks. The jewellery also includes coloured beads in the design. The result is dreadlocks necklaces, brooches and earrings.


569. Begin a business which makes and distributes souvenir lucky charms. One example is a number seven made from metal and stamped with a place name.

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