580. Find a source of common or high-quality soil, package and sell through hardware shops and garden centres.
581. Create a correspondence course about how to be more enterprising. Sell by placing ads in national newspapers. Have ad headlines like: 'Are you an enterprising person?', and 'Improve your life by being more enterprising'.
582. Have T-shirts printed with sci-fi messages on the front such as 'Alpha Centauri University', Visit Ancient Egypt with TWA's Time Travel Tours', 'Test fly a Centauri flying saucer, visit your local dealer', etc. Sell at sci-fi conventions and through sci-fi shops.
583. Bring out a range of jewellery for ears. However, this jewellery does not hang from earlobes like earrings, but gently clips to the top of the ears. This jewellery looks as if it if it is perched on top of the ears. A piece of eartop jewellery might follow the curvature of each ear.
584. Start a business which makes a range of quality old-fashioned long johns. Produce a catalogue and start a mail order business.
585. Consider taking up the career of chiropody. Send for a prospectus from a school of chiropody. Take a course and, after graduation, open your own practice.
586. Start a computerised horse-racing results prediction service. There are many systems available for selecting a winning horse. Base your computer program on any or a mixture of these systems. Send forecasts on a regular basis to subscribers.
587. Be a travelling manicurist. Build up a regular round of clients at offices and private residences. Send a leaflet about your service to businesses and private residences and advertise in the local media.
588. Supply life extension products by post. Model your business on similar businesses which have been successful in the USA. Obtain a catalogue from one of these businesses and base your business on their system.
589. Start a mail order business which sells stop smoking aids. For example: dummy cigarettes, advice booklets, herbal aids, inspirational cassettes, charts and posters. You can produce many of these products yourself and buy the others from wholesalers.
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