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Friday, October 10, 2008

Ann Sieg 7 Great Lies Of Network Marketing Review

Doing network marketing or MLM? Then this new 7 Great Lies Of Network Marketing review is especially for you. Read on and then consider if you want to invest a minute or two looking at this groundbreaking free report by Ann Sieg for yourself.

This hard-hitting report sure has caused some strong reactions throughout the MLM scene. Some are angry, others are praising it to the skies. Her strongest fans are network marketers who are dissatisfied with their earnings in their network marketing or MLM business.

If you are having a hard time in your MLM or network marketing business, it is not just you! Take a look at these scary figures

- Around 90 percent of people joining an MLM company leave in less than 3 months. Why? For most of them, it is too difficult and costs too much in time and money.

- More than 95% - that's 19 in 20 - leave within the first 12 months.

- Even more frightening, up to 8 in 10 do not even experience the excitement of sponsoring their first downline member. The others most often only bring in one or two people, who then leave within a few months.

If you are a distributor for a MLM or network marketing business and you are worried by these figures then you are right to feel that way! Ann Sieg has put into writing what a lot of experienced network marketers have not dared to say out loud. She lays bare all of the tales that many if not all of us have believed (and are repeating to our downlines) about building a prosperous MLM or network marketing business.

The first time I read the title 'The 7 Lies Of Network Marketing' I must admit that I assumed it would just be more MLM bashing. But after reading the report, I found that my guess was quite wrong. After setting out the 'lies' that you should not listen to, Ann Sieg investigates how you can still succeed in network marketing or MLM - all the time ignoring the untruths that you have probably been hearing.

Network marketing or MLM can be a wonderful process for achieving success and financial freedom yet as I said above, the vast majority fail before they have hardly started. Why is this? Because they are still being trained in marketing methods that went out of date 5 or 10 years ago.

'Your business will be built for you ... everybody is a prospect ... there's no selling ... anybody can succeed at this ...' Have you heard these statements before? Ann's free report reveals them as nothing more than myths.

But there are a lot of successful MLMers out there - and armed with up to date techniques, you could be among them. Begin with the help of Ann's free report The 7 Great Lies Of Network Marketing here.

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