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Sunday, December 14, 2008

Free Website Hosting

There are many websites that advertise various web hosting services providers who offer free services. All these providers have got their own unique ways of doing it and so it is important that you consider what is good for you and which provider is offering more options. For example, not all providers allow businesses pages to be hosted for free. These providers will only allow personal pages and other non-business pages.

But there are still others like Hostgator that offer business page hosting services. Some providers also will not provide email space while others will not provide enough room for sophisticated graphics. So, before settling for one free web page host, you should scrutinize their package.

If you are not intimate on how html programming web pages is done, then you should also ask for the hosts who provide this kind of service. If you are familiar with the SEO web design software and can design our own web page, then you will not need in this area. But if you don’t have knowledge of even HTML, which is the easiest coding language used to make websites, then you will need to get free web page hosts who will also help you in that. These hosts have forms, which are ready made, and all you need to do is to fill in you details and upload.

Another factor you should think about is the space and bandwidth the hositng company is offering. You may go for one services with very small capacity and it will limit you a big deal. For starters, 100 MB of hard disk space will do but there are providers who give up to 5 GB free! With this, you can run your whole world and still leave more space free. There are a lot of this kind of free hosting company on the internet and you can check them out via google search.


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