Early today I received an email from the Briute Force SEO team. He was telling me about a new feature that is being added to the Brute Force SEO package right now. He has made a video showing the basics of the tool in its almost finished state.
Pete's new software: Brute Force SEO Web 2.0 Account Creator looks pretty useful, it enables users to easily set up new accounts with a whole host of Web 2.0( user generated content) sites. It covers four types of sites.
1. Bookmarking Sites
2. Rss directories (Not yet including my own RSS Aggregator site though)
3. YouTube Clone SItes
4. Article Sites
I think this will be a very useful addition to the tools in BruteForce SEO. There did not seem to be a proxy facility for signups but this is probably not to much of a problem. Only when we spam Web 2.0sites where multiple signups are required but I do not abuse them.
Here is a feature that is well maintained by the Brute Force coders make site owner's lives a lot easier.
My only concern is that as Peter adds more functionality I can imagine the cost rising - with the amount of functionality included I can envisage a steep price but at the same time Pete knows his market so I am sure he will offer a mass market price and, for sure, 1000 users is quite a few folks, I can see early memberships selling fast.
I'd urge readers of this article to sign up to the Brute Force early bird notification list as Peter has said that his next email will outline how to make sure of a place on Brute Force, no matter how busy sales get. An early bird price deal is on the cards.
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