A big decision that you are faced with when you decide to form a business is deciding on the structure that you going to form your business as. You have several choices as far as deciding on a business structure. For example, the company can be a corporate structure, a limited liability company, or a sole proprietorship.
A very desired business structures currently being used is the limited liability company, otherwise known as an LLC. With a limited liability company, your business will have quite a few of the advantages of a corporate structure, without a lot of the formalities required of a corporation. As a good idea, you should always consult a competent professional before you choose which business entity you are going to go with.
When you consider creating a LLC, there is the option of using an online LLC creation service such as LegalZoom. LegalZoom offers LLC creation packages from just $149 (plus state filing fees), so they are a very affordable alternative to using a legal firm. LegalZoom takes care of all of the state required forms for you, and gives you the appropriate paperwork to efficiently manage your LLC as your state requires.
If you decide on LLC corporations, and you create your limited liability company and operate it the correct fashion, you are affording yourself a certain amount of protection from liability that would not be there if your business was operating as just a sole proprietorship. It is very important that you choose a business structure that allows you the liability protection that you need in the current lawsuit happy environment of today.
Incorporate LLC is a wise decision if you want to become an entrepreneur. Seek professional advice before you decide on your business structure, but most likely you will be told that you cannot go wrong with a limited liability company. Using an online LLC formation service such as LegalZoom just makes sense, as it will save you time and money and you will be forming your business structure the correct way.
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