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Thursday, November 27, 2008

Keep It Natural Always!

Organic Cleaning Tips: Don't Pollute While you Clean!

Everyday we clean some aspect of our living environment. The bathtub gets bleached while we shampoo the rugs, run the dishwasher and wash our bodies. However, do we ever stop to think that all of our cleaning products have the opposite effect on our earth? They do not clean the earth, they pollute it! You should consider how much of a toxic impact non-organic cleaning solutions have on the planet. They effect the earth in a bad way.

Do not despair. It is never too late to change your ways and begin to protect the earth by considering these helpful organic cleaning tips the next time you roll up your sleeves, determined to make your living quarters shine.

1.) When it is Time to Clean and De-odorize the Refrigerator

Instead of grabbing for the bleach or the 409 cleaner, try an organic cleaning method instead. Create a mixture of 125 ml of organic lemon juice, 1 tablespoon of baking soda and 500 ml of hot water. Dip your sponge into the mixture and use it to clean the interior of your refrigerator. When you are done cleaning, go over the whole surface with a clean damp cloth. If there is an odor you need to take care of, just place a few bamboo charcoal pieces into your fridge. That should take care of the odor and eliminate the bacteria, which caused it.

2.) When you Need to Clean that Chopping Board

This is an important one because germs and food debris can cause food poisoning if your chopping board is not properly cleaned after each use. Organic cleaning tips take care of the problem. Rub a small amount of sea salt into your board. Then, to de-odorize, mix 1 tablespoon of organic lemon juice with sea salt and rub it into the board.

3.) When it is Time to Clean and Polish your Stainless Steel

Create a thin paste composed of baking soda and organic apple cider vinegar. Rub the paste onto the metal surface with a sponge or a cloth. After cleaning and rinsing the object well, make sure to set it to dry thoroughly.

4.) When you Need to Get the Stains Out

This is a common household need and you can dramatically effect the environment by following this one organic cleaning tip. Take one tblspn of baking soda and combine it with one tblespn of sea salt. Add just enough water to create a paste and rub the paste into the stain. The solution will need to disolve and soak within the stain for at least an hour before being rinsed very well. This method even gets nasty perspiration marks out of your t-shirts!

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