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Wednesday, November 26, 2008

Why is There Google Sandbox?

What is the Google Sandbox Issue?

Web masters discovered that the new web sites SEOed and having # of inbound links have not ranked high for the targeted keywords. It was observed that after being listed in the SERPS for two weeks, pages were either dropped from index or ranked low for the desired keywords.

The sites were not having the top SERPS positions, while low-ranking sites had the chance to rank close the top SERPS positions for their keyphases. This provided the evidence of the Google Sandbox that gave the chance to the Search Engine expert and Search Engine Marketing Specialist to understand what exactly the Sandbox effect was. 

Possible explanations for the Google Sandbox effect

“Time Delay” factor is the most common factor of Google Sandbox effect. This ‘website aging’ theory has earned a lot of importance since the webmasters felt the effects of Sandbox after a certain period of time. But , it is an artificially imposed punishment on the web sites.

As stated to the ‘Link threshold' principal, a number of quantity and quality, plus the time of the inbound links will prevent Sand box effect.

How to discover whether your web site is ‘Sandboxed'?

When your website does not appear in any of the SERPS for the desired keywords or if the results are not satisfactory though there are inbound links and proper on-page optimization then the website is definitely Sandboxed.

Search engines will provide most relevant information to their users. SEO researchs and design complex algorithms to conjecture relevancy of content for different keywords.

The Sandbox restricts the new websites; the effect reduces on the basis of aging of the websites but on the link aging. As determined by the ‘Allegra' update web sites that were constantly being SEOed when they were in the Sand box began to rank very top for targeted keyphases and keywords when the Sandbox issuce finished.

  • SEO technology strategies to minimize your website's ‘Sandboxed' time
  • Start promoting the website the moment it is created.
  • Make low-intensity and long-time link building schedual.
  • Keep away from black hat SEO techniques. 

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